We held the 39th edition of Internet Identity Workshop last week. Like always, it was a great week.

The 39th edition of the Internet Identity Workshop wrapped up last week. We have 364 attendees from around the world who called 178 sessions. I can't begin to describe the energy of the identity community when they all get together to discuss their favorite topics. If you like identity, or simply want to be part of an enthusiastic technical community, you should come to IIW.

As you can see by the pins in the map at the top of this post, there were attendees from all over the world. Not surprisingly, most of the attendees were from the US (251), followed by Canada (18) and France (14). Germany, Japan, and Australia rounded out the top six with 12, 9, and 7 attendees respectively. Attendees from India (5), Columbia (3), and Chile (2) show IIW's geographic diversity. Sadly, there were no attendees from Africa again. Please remember we offer scholarships for people from underrepresented areas, so if you'd like to come to IIW40, please let us know. If you're working on identity, we want you there.

For states and provinces, California was first with 131 attendees. Washington (19), Utah (14), New York (9), and Massachusetts (9) made up the rest of the top 5. San Jose (20), San Francisco (16), Paris (12), Oakland (11), and Seattle (9) were the top five cities.

We'll have the book of proceedings out in a month or so with notes from the different sessions and descriptions of the 20 demos given during demo hour. Past proceedings are available here.

The next IIW takes place April 8-10, 2025 at the Computer History Museum. This will be IIW XL, number 40! We'll have registration open the first part of December. If you're interested in sponsoring, send me a note.