Utah CTO Breakfast
The CTO Breakfast is an informal monthly gathering of
technologists. You're invited!
What: A free-form discussion of timely technology topics over breakfast. If you have a topic for discussion, feel free to send it to me or just show up and talk about it.
Who: Anyone interested in how information technology is used to build products or run companies. Despite it's name, you don't have to be a CTO to attend--just interested in technology, where it's headed, and the problems of starting and building a high-tech business in Utah.
When: The meetings begin at 8am and generally last until 9:30 or 10.
I have created a Google Calendar with dates for the CTO breakfast that you can subscribe to:
Or if you'd rather subscribe from iCal or Outlook, here's the iCalendar link.
Mailing List: If you'd like to be reminded of meetings, please sign up for the CTO Breakfast mailing list. The list is low-volume (1-2 messages per month).
The CTO Breakfast is organized by Phil Windley.
Last Modified: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 02:43:33 UTC