The latest IIW was great with many high intensity discussions of identity by people from across the globe.

We recently completed the 37th Internet Identity Workshop. We had 315 people from around the world who called 163 sessions. The energy was high and I enjoyed seeing so many people who are working on identity talking with each other and sharing their ideas. The topics were diverse. Verifiable credentials continue to be a hot topic, but authorization is coming on strong. In closing circle someone said (paraphrashing) that authentication is solved and the next frontier is authorization. I tend to agree. We should have the book of proceedings completed in about a month and you'll be able to get the details of sessions there. You can view past Books of Proceedings here.
As I said, there were attendees from all over the world as you can see by the pins in the map at the top of this post. Not surprisingly, most of the attendees were from the US (212), followed by Canada (29). Japan, the UK, and Germany rounded out the top five with 9, 8, and 8 attendees respectively. Attendees from India (5), Thailand (3), and Korea (3) showed IIW's diversity with attendees from APAC. And there were 4 attendees from South America this time. Sadly, there were no attendees from Africa again. Please remember we offer scholarships for people from underrepresented areas, so if you'd like to come to IIW38, please let us know. If you're working on identity, we want you there.
In terms of states and provinces, California was, unsurprisingly, first with 81. Washington (32), British Columbia (14), Utah (11), Ontario (11) and New York (10) rounded out the top five. Seattle (22), San Jose (15), Victoria (8), New York (8), and Mountain View (6) were the top cities.

Doc Searls has several hundred photos from Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 of IIW on his Flickr account.

As always the week was great. I had a dozen important, interesting, and timely conversations. If Closing Circle and Open Gifting are any measure, I was not alone. IIW is where you will meet people to help you solve problems and move your ideas forward. Please come! IIW 38 will be held April 16-18, 2024 at the Computer History Museum. We'll have tickets available soon.
Photo Credits: Doc Searls