We're doing the December CTO Breakfast at Startup Ogden. I hope you can join us!

For December's CTO Breakfast on Friday (Dec 6) we'll be taking a field trip to Ogden. Alex Lawrence has invited us to breakfast at Startup Ogden.
We're going to start at 8:30 to give everyone a little extra time to get there.
I will be riding FrontRunner from the Lehi station. I plan on leaving on the 6:46 train that gets into Ogden at 8:24. It's a short walk from the Ogden Hub to Startup Ogden.
If you'd like to join me for a little "Geeks on the Train" as part of CTO breakfast, either come to Lehi for the 6:46 departure or plan on catching that same train as it heads north. Here's the schedule.
We'll be headed back down on FrontRunner when we're finished. This should be a fun morning.
See you Friday!