- Web Developers Get Real (Time) - Technology Review
- Who owns Wikipedia?
- Algorithms Can't Pick College Football Champions or Predict Economies
- Gates: Wikileaks Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest.
- Why Gawker is moving beyond the blog
- How Comcast became a toll-collecting, nuke-wielding hydra
- \tThe Joy of Stats with Hans Rosling - Watch the 4 minute clip embedded in the article. Amazing.
- WinerLinks and outliners
- Jon Udell on what the Elm City project teaches us about computational thinking and education.
- TSA Searches, Bomb Risk Near Zero (Commentary) "This illusory quest for zero risk helps terrorism achieve its goals. "
- Yacc is dead - New parsing techniques
- What Does it Mean to Work Hard? - Defining work via the existance of a customer
- MasterCard pulls plug on WikiLeaks payments | Privacy Inc. - Leading to a war on the internet?
- What does cognitive science say about privacy and the Net?
- My JSON River of News -
- Can you defame someone with a hyperlink? - Scary court case about the meaning of a link in Canada
- Founder Control - New trends in investing are leaving more founders in control of their companies.
- Expanding the Cloud with DNS - Introducing Amazon Route 53 - All Things Distributed
- Mark Zuckerberg Rocked On 60 Minutes (And The Winklevosses Looked, Well, Pathetic) -
- A VC: Invest In The Mess -
- Social Buying Site Groupon's Revenues Top $2 Billion a Year | Kara Swisher -
- Software CEOs talking fluent dork: its the developers, stupid. New Kingmakers - Importance of developers in new business models.
- Consumerism Is Keynesianism - "Contrary to that analysis, wealth is created through acts of production that rearrange resources in ways people value more than alternative arrangements"
- Nuclear power: Combining several small reactors based on simple, proven designs could be a better approach than building big ones - I used to work on the fuel designs and testing for small (Naval) reactors.
- Using Events in Highly Distributed Architectures -
"The event-driven pattern shifts much of the responsibility of controlling flow away from the event source (or sender system), and distributes/delegates it to event receivers. Event source systems do not need to explicitly define the scope of distributed transactions and manage them, or connected systems are less dependent on centralized infrastructure components such as transaction process systems (TPS), business process management (BPM), and enterprise service bus (ESB) products. The connected systems participating in an event-driven architecture have more autonomy in deciding whether to further propagate the events, or not. The knowledge used to support these decisions is distributed into discrete steps or stages throughout the architecture, and encapsulated where the ownerships reside, instead of burdening the transaction-initiating sender systems with that knowledge."
- Capture mode and Date Trees in org-mode - A replacement for remember.el
Readings Weeks of Nov 29th and Dec 6th, 2010
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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.