I'm in a session at IIW where personal data stores are being discussed. Drummond Reed and Paul Trevethick are moderating.
Someone asked Paul why Facebook isn't a personal data store. Certainly is a store of personal data. Facebook has a rich and powerful mechanism for sharing data with apps. But...
- They can change the terms any time they like
- They monetize my data--who owns or controls the transactions
Mary Hodder gave a "bank vs bar" analogy. Facebook is a bar, not a bank. There are lots of options and things to do, but no fiduciary responsibility or interoperability.
The point is that a PDS ought to have specific characteristics or else everything will be a PDS. Every company will say "we have a PDS!" and it will be as meaningless as "SOA governance."
Here are some characteristics that we've discussed
- Controlled by a person
- Virtually distributed
- Seemless permissioned access to your digital data
- Data portability
- Interoperability
- Provisions for ownership, co-ownership, authority
- Control access to data for service creation
We could probably come up with more, but this is a pretty good list.