IIW begins in a week on Tuesday November 2nd.

We are really excited about all the attendee's who are registered so far. The emerging themes we have identified are reflected in the topics proposed:

  • Personal Data Ecosystem
  • Federated Social Web
  • User-Centric Identity applied (OpenID, OAuth, XRD, SAML, InfoCard, Activity Streams, etc.)
  • Vendor Relationship Management
  • Active Clients (tools in the browser and other clients)
  • Identity in the Cloud

It is not to late to register. If you want invite friends to IIW-Nov still you can give them this 10% discount code good for Regular that ends at Thursday at midnight: "IIW-Nov". Then prices go up $100 per ticket type.

We have Demo slots available for Wednesday after lunch. There is more room for your project to share please let Kaliya know (kaliya@mac.com) if you are interested in doing so. Please provide a name, link and 280 character description by Friday October 30th.


Tuesday doors will open at 8AM for registration. Phil Windley will give the opening talk at 9am and we will begin agenda creation by 9:30. We will have 5 sessions per day. Dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday will be hosted and at local restaurants.

You can find the schedule online

If you are wondering about how the unconference works please read this post on Kaliya's unconference blog.

One of the key things about IIW is that participants take notes and submit them for composition into a book and to be posted on the wiki. Please download this form for this purpose.

Thank you to our Sponsors

  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • PingID
  • OpenID Foundation
  • Kynetx

We're also still looking for dinner, lunch, and break sponsors. Contact Phil if you're interested. (Sponsoring an IIW break costs about the same as just attending regular conferences.)

Meetings around IIW

There will be several meetings happening the same week as IIW that you might want to be aware of and attend:

The OpenID Foundation will host a "OpenID Summit" to discuss the progress of its technical working groups on the afternoon of Monday, November 1 at Facebook's Headquarter's in Palo Alto. The OpenID Foundation Board of Directors will have a face-to-face board meeting at the conclusion of the IIW the afternoon of November 4. Please contact Don Thibeau with questions and comments.

The UMA WG will hold a face-to-face meeting on Monday Nov 1 at the Computer History Museum. Contact Eve Maler with questions.

Kynetx will host a DevDays for people interested in knowing more about the evented-web and how to create event-aware applications using the Kynetx developer platform on Friday, Nov 5 at the Computer History Museum. Contact Brad Hintze with questions. Register here (use discount code iiw_kynetx for a 100% IIW affiliate discount)

OpenID Foundation will be having a dedicated session at IIW for retailers preparing for a kickoff OpenID Retail Summit in Q1 at PayPal. Janrain and PayPal are taking the lead on developing an agenda with input from retailers, OIDF members, and other interested parties. More info here:

Other community events of interest

Workshop: Online Constituent Identity Nov 12, Washington, DC; Uniting the identity and citizen engagement software communities Creating sustainable online constituent identity solutions that serve the needs of citizens, advocacy groups, and elected representatives. Here's the link for full details. Early registration discounts expire 10/29. And for more info on the association itself, see the Open Model for Citizen Engagement website.

Identity.Next December 8th The Hague, Netherlands; The Identity.Next is assembling a program with top experts, professionals and industry stakeholders to discuss the world around Digital Identity and best practices. The event is 1/2 programmed conference in the morning and 1/2 unconference in the afternoon. These themes have been identified:

  • Social consumer (How will social identity turn around the new value chain?)
  • MobileMe (Where is my DigitalMe and who should know?)
  • Private Eye (Who owns and control the privacy problem and should we really care?)
  • E-citizen (Next generation eGovernment and its identity issues).

Don't Forget to Vote Early since you'll be at IIW on election day!

Please leave comments using the Hypothes.is sidebar.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.