Come to Kynetx Developer Day


In the past Kynetx has held two Kynetx Impact conferences, one last fall and one last spring. Kynetx Impact exceeded my expectations both times with lots of people and energy. But holding a conference of that size is, frankly, a lot of work for a small team. Consequently, we've decided to move to an annual schedule with Kynetx Impact, holding the conference once a year in the spring. At the same time, we didn't want to lose the ability to contact and work with developers, so we've created Kynetx Developer Days. The first Kynetx Developer Day will be held in our Utah office on September 18, 2010. (Register's free!)

At Kynetx Dev Day, you'll find tracks for beginning KRL programmers as well as more advanced topics for experienced KRL developers. The full agenda is available online. We'll be announcing and teaching people how to use some cool new features, including how to use Kynetx with email and telephony services like Twilleo via webhooks. But there's more...

Last Friday we gave a demonstration of the power of Kynetx to orchestrate multiple services (Web, email, telephony, and so on) in pursuit of the end-user's purpose. In this case we showed how an email from a person's radiologist suggesting they need neck surgery based on their MRI results could kick-off a whole series of interactions and tasks. Our demo showed how a dozen individual, small, simple cooperating KRL applications could automate the interactions to significantly reduce the user's cognitive load.

Not only will we be showing the latest version of that demo at the Sept 18th Dev Day, but we'll be teaching about the techniques necessary to build those kind of compelling experiences. You don't want to miss it.

And for those who can't be in Utah on Sept 18th, one of the reasons for moving to the simpler format for our fall event was to be able to spread them around more. We plan on conducting similar Kynetx Dev Days in other locations in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information...

In the meantime, register for the Sept 18th event if you'd like to come. It's free. We'd love to have you.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.