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This article at TechCrunch: How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider's Confession is written by Dennis Yu, a reformed ad spammer on Facebook. In it, he says:
When the Facebook platform first launched, developers used Google AdSense, which was paying 10-15 cent eCPMs, meaning that developers were earning 10 to 15 cents for every 1,000 ads they shown. But soon, ad networks, such as the one I operated, stepped in to show that by using social data and some clever ad copy, we could raise this to well over $6--that's 60 times better than AdSense. AdSense was getting a 0.1% CTR and earning 15 cents a click. Our ads were getting up to a 4% CTR and also earning 15 cents a click. You do the math.From How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider's Confession
Referenced Wed Nov 04 2009 14:19:41 GMT-0800 (PST)
That number--60x--jumps out of that statement. There's trmendous pressure, as this article points out, to sell out users. That's a good reason to find technologies that let users manage their data. With the right model, users could share in that revenue and make this kind of sale more above board that what's happening right now.