CTO Breakfast at Utah Open Source Conference

CTO Breakfast

We'll be holding the CTO Breakfast this Thursday at 8am at the Miller Campus of Salt Lake Community College in conjunction with the Utah Open Source Conference. We'll be meeting in the Cullinary Arts building. I'm told it has a cafeteria and we'll also have bagels and juice courtesy of Kynetx.

You don't have to be registered for UTOSC to come to the breakfast, but you should register and go just because it will be an awesome event. We'll be stopping at 9:20 so that people can make their way over to the opening keynote: "Leveraging the Collective Intelligence of Online Communities for Public Good" by Daren Brabham. But whether you come to UTOSC or not, whether your a CTO or not, if you're interested in high-tech products, then we'd love to have you.

Here's the schedule for future breakfasts:

  • Oct 30, 2009
  • Dec 3, 2009 (combined November and December meeting)
  • Jan 29, 2010

Please put these on your calendar or just subscribe to the Google calendar to get them automatically.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.