I've recently been writing about my thoughts on building a purpose-centric web and how SideWiki illuminates the client-centric focus of a purpose-based Web. If you've read through these (yeah, they're long) then you'll know that Kynetx is in the business of helping developers build purpose-centric applications that run in the browser.
If that interests you at all, I'd like to invite you to sign up for Kynetx Impact, our conference for bringing together anyone interested in the idea of a purpose-centric Web and building applications for it. Doc Searls will be giving the keynote and I'll be speaking about the purpose-based Web. Craig Burton will be closing the conference with his analysis of what this all means. In between will be tracks for developers and on business and product development in this space.
The conference is November 18th and 19th at the Novell Open Source Technology Center in Provo Utah. Please register online. The cost is $45, but if you send me a note, I'd be happy to send you a discount code.
Please take a minute and sign up now. I'd love to have you there.