The Utah Open Source conference is a gathering of over 400 open source supporters from Utah and surrounding states. It's happening on October 8-10th at the Miller Campus of the Salt Lake Community College. This is a great event. This year's keynotes include:
- Daren Brabham of the University of Utah will speak on Crowdsourcing on Thursday, October 8
- Stormy Peters of the GNOME Foundation will discuss 'Would you do it again for free?' on Friday, October 9
- Dave McAllister of Adobe explains 'Big Company, Open Choice: Why Adobe is becoming Open' on Saturday, October 10
In addition, there will be over 50 other presentations including one by me on using Cobbler and Puppet to automate infrastructure (more on that later).
The CTO Breakfast will be held on October 8th at the Miller Campus in conjunction with the conference. This will be instead of our regularly scheduled September breakfast which was scheduled for September 24th. I hope you can make it.
If you're interested in attending the conference, early bird registration is underway until Sept 19th. Whether you attend the conference or not, the CTO Breakfast is free, like always and open to all. So get it on your calendar now!