This month's CTO Breakfast will be held on Friday, April 24. Our usual venue (Novell's cafeteria) is unavailable that day. Barry Bryson of UEN has generously made their conference room available to us and has offered to supply a continental breakfast.
As an additional incentive to make the trek to the eastern foothills and visit the Eccles Broadcast Center, Infinera will have a demo truck at the U that day and Barry has invited CTO Breakfast attendees to visit the truck and even attend the UEN presentation if you wish.
Infinera is a fairly new fiber optic equipment manufacturer that has been winning some notable networks these days (competitors to Cisco, Ciena, Fujitsu, Nortel etc.) . Level-3 and Internet2 amongst others are customers of theirs.
You can visit the truck after the breakfast. If you'd like to stay for the presentation and lunch, Barry would like to know ahead of time so he can make sure there are enough slots. Contact Barry directly or contact me and I'll forward along the information.
We'll be meeting at the Eccles Broadcast Center (directions, address, and maps here) at 8am. As always, you don't have to be a CTO to attend--just interested in technology. I hope to see you there.
Be sure to check the calendar for future events.