Image via Wikipedia
This Sunday, the new, 385 area code will become available in Utah. Unlike past changes to area codes in Utah, this will not be geographically based, but an overlay. Plenty of other places in the US have done this already, but this is a first for Utah and the first time most people will have to dial a 10-digit number for all calls. So, updte your phone directories in your cell phone to include the area code and bask in the joy of knowing you live in a growing, vibrant area instead of complaining about the extra three digits.
There's a bill in the Utah House HB 215 (PDF) that would stop this and force the phone companies to split the geographic area now served by the 801 area code and assign 385 to part of it. Silliness. I'm not sure how it would work anyway given that the change is happening before the legislation would be law. That would be ugly.