Remember Twitter Vote Report

Don't forget Twitter Vote Report when you go to the polls tomorrow! From the "about" page:

Twitter Vote Report is a non-partisan, all-volunteer network of software developers, designers, and other collaborators have teamed up with the award-winning blog techPresident to launch this effort. The only resources contributed to this project are the participants' time and expertise!

Millions of Americans will be voting this Election Day. Many of these voters will have terrific experiences and we'd love to hear about those. But many voters will experience voting problems that we have been hearing about for years: long lines, broken machines, and registered voters who can't vote because their names aren't showing up on the registration rolls.

Using Twitter Vote Report, voters will be able to share their experiences and resources with one another (e.g. "#wait:120" meaning that the wait time is 120 minutes). These messages will then be aggregated and mapped so that we can "see" voting problems around the country in real-time.

From Twitter Vote Report | About
Referenced Mon Nov 03 2008 17:31:40 GMT-0700 (MST)

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.