New IT Conversations Design

IT Conversations redesign!
IT Conversations redesign!
(click to enlarge)

Doug Kaye has been working for months to redesign the infrastructure for the Conversations Network, including It Conversations. Much of that work hasn't been visible to IT Conversations listeners, but it's made the management of the network and production of shows much nicer. Now, that hard work is showing on the site as well with today's launch of the new IT Conversations.

The new design is cleaner, brings lots of features, like ratings and playlists, out to the homepage, and automates things like "current series" and "topics" so that they're more up to date. Ratings are also more reliable in the new system--I'm already seeing more meaningful ratings data come through. The old Personal Program Queue has been updated and is now called a Personal Playlist (under "My Programs" on the top menu bar).

With all the great changes to the homepage, you might be tempted to stay right there, but take time to click through to the program detail pages. They've also been reworked with better ways to comment and share programs with your friends. Also, the new recommendation box on the right hand side shows other programs you might like.

As with any launch, there will undoubtedly be things that don't work. Be sure to let us know and we'll try to get things fixed as soon as we find out about them.

Please leave comments using the sidebar.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.