Utah CTO Breakfast This Thursday

It's time for another Utah CTO Breakfast. This Thursday at 8am at the Novell cafeteria (building G). We're a little early this month due to my imminent trip to China. Please bring any topics that have struck your fancy this month.

All are invited--the only entrance requirement is an interest in high-tech companies and products.

Here's a schedule of future events:

  • Apr 17 (Thursday)
  • May 30 (Friday)
  • June 27 (Friday)
  • July 18 (Friday)
  • No breakfast in August
  • Sept 25 (Friday)

I have created a Google Calendar with dates for the CTO breakfast that you can subscribe to.

Or if you'd rather subscribe from iCal or Outlook, here's the iCalendar link.

Please leave comments using the Hypothes.is sidebar.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.