GigaOM has an interesting interview with Dr. Mendel Rosenblum, the Chief Scientist at VMWare.

We went down a rat hole on how we built the data centers. I am not surprised with all the problems we are having with data centers. In my opinion, the architecture has problems because it was built with inferior solutions. What you had was people placing services on servers in a way that led to lightly loaded machines that were idle most of the time. The whole thing was built for peak performance (and not maximum utilization.) Well, idle machines use as much energy as fully utilized machines. The way out of this is to put more on the machines, and get them to be more efficient and take on the work load that will, to some extent, lower the power consumption.
From The GigaOM Interview: Dr. Mendel Rosenblum, Chief Scientist, VMWare - GigaOM
Referenced Thu Dec 27 2007 10:42:49 GMT-0700 (MST)

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