Phil Burns wants to bring Seth Godin to Utah to speak. That would be cool. Seth's promoting his new book, The Dip. Here's the deal (from Seth's blog):
In each city I'm able to get to, if you buy 5 books (in advance), you get to come hear me give a speech for free. OR, if you prefer to think of it differently, if you pay $50 to hear me speak, you get five books for free.From The Dip by Seth Godin: The Dip Tour
Referenced Fri Apr 13 2007 10:47:38 GMT-0600 (MDT)
The catch is that before he'll commit to come to a city, 500 people have to take the plunge (and, with it, The Dip--actually five of them).
Phil's set up a page at PledgeBank where you can pledge to buy five books to get Seth to Utah. I've pledged. You should pledge too. Any companies or organizations out there willing to buy books for their employees? That would make this a lot easier.
Of course, this is just the sort of fascinating Internet marketing that Seth Godin is famous for. An amazing way to sell some books and, more importantly, get his message out. I probably wouldn't have blogged about his book otherwise. And if he comes, I've got 4 books to give away...