Top Ten IT Conversations Shows for Feb 2007

Here are the top ten shows on IT Conversations, by downloads, for February 2007. If you're looking for something good on IT Conversations, these shows would be a nice place to start.

  1. Anibal Acevedo Vila - Tech Nation (No rating yet)
  2. Who Owns "You"? - Supernova2006 (Rating: 3.12)
  3. Michelle Kaufmann - Tech Nation (Rating: 3.89)
  4. Barry Flicker - Slashing Project Time and Cost (Rating: 3.50)
  5. Dave Thompson - Tech Nation (Rating: 3.00)
  6. Bill Moggridge - Tech Nation (Rating: 3.33)
  7. Craig Burton - Technometria: The Enterprise of One (Rating: 2.29)
  8. Scott Rosenberg - Dreaming in Code (Rating: 3.45)
  9. Jeff Barr, Doug Kaye - Technometria: Amazon Web Services (Rating: 4.50)
  10. Dr. Karen Stephenson - Social Network Analysis (Rating: 3.00)

You'll notice that the Perl script I use to generate the list now includes ratings data as well. To do that, it has to download the ratings data from Loomia. The tool now downloads three separate kinds of data sources--Apache log files, an RSS feed of all the shows, and ratings data--and then massages them to produce the list. This is saving me quite a bit of time.

The ratings provide more color to the list since you can see that the top downloads don't necessarily reflect what people thought of the show. Downloads are an indication of the appeal of the subject or guest/speaker. Ratings are a measure of how well that expectation was met.

I've not yet added an option to generate a list of the top rated shows, but that's coming. Eventually I plan to automatically include this data for the last 30 days on the IT Conversations site.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.