Last week, Scott Lemon and I had a very enjoyable conversations with Doc Searls about a concept he's calling The Giant Zero. The concept is simple. In Doc's words:
The metaphor is a play on the meaning of both World of Ends (which I co-wrote with fellow Berkman fellow David Weinberger) and The Stupid Network, by Berkman alumnus David Isenberg. (David is also my given name, by the way. Coincidence?) The origin of the metaphor, however, is Craig Burton, who was the first to observe that an end-to-end architecture in which every point is essentially zero distance from every other point (and as stupid as possible in the middle as well), would geometrically resemble a 3-D zero.From The Doc Searls Weblog : Monday, September 18, 2006
Referenced Tue Mar 13 2007 09:26:54 GMT-0600
It was great and I wish you could have all listened. Oh wait! You can. We recorded it and it's live at IT Conversations today: Doc Searls and the Giant Zero on the Technometria Podcast.