On wednesday SYS-CON published their final list of 150 all time technology heroes. The list is a mix of people who might have made the list if it were published 10 or even 20 years ago (like Claude Shannon) and relatively new faces (like Dave Sifry).
As I looked at the list I realized there were quite a few people on the list who'd been on IT Conversations over the last few years. Niels Makel, one of the folks who works behind the scenes at IT Conversations as a series producer, took the time to create a list of all the people on the SYS-CON list who'd been on IT Conversations and linking to the shows. There are 36 people on the list who have one or more shows on IT Conversations.
This is an awesome list since it's talks by some of the most important people in information technology. You could do a lot worse that listening to these talks.