Vermont's governor has called for a complete audit of security across executive branch agencies.

"The problems discovered over the last several months are entirely unacceptable to me because they were preventable," Douglas said. "I expect the department to look at every area and aspect of our Internet security protocols to be sure we are employing all the available resources to protect the integrity of our systems. And I expect a higher standard to be set in IT departments throughout state government."
From Vermont Governor Calls for Full Internet Security Audit - Feb 02, 2007
Referenced Tue Feb 06 2007 09:14:42 GMT-0700 (MST)

This is on the heals of an security breach last month that the personal data of 70,000 individuals being compromised. To make matters worse, the data had been supplied to the state by New England Federal Credit Union to help track people who owe child support.

This is one of the things that keeps State CIOs up at night. Most don't have the authority to prevent the problem and yet they're going to catch the flak.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.