Yesterday I wrote about the comment storms that were happening on my blog. Many people made some great suggestions and I plan on implementing many of them in the coming weeks. I found something, however, that was pretty simple and, so far, seems to be working beautifully.
Mod_limitipconn is a small Apache module that allows you to limit the number of simultaneous connections from any given IP address for any particular resource or mime-type. It built and installed without a hitch--within 15 minutes I was in business. Here's the configuration I'm using to limit connections to the comment CGI:
<IfModule mod_limitipconn.c> <Location /mt/mt-comments.cgi> MaxConnPerIP 1 </Location> </IfModule>
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Now, I see lines like this in my error_log:
[Fri Dec 15 06:57:43 2006] [error] [client] Rejecting client at
I decided not to ban IP numbers, although banning them in bulk isn't too hard with mod_rewrite which I use for other reasons anyway. I did put together a little shell script to tell me the IP numbers of the offenders that others might find helpful.
#/bin/bash Y=$(date +%Y) M=$(date +%m) D=$(date +%d) grep $1 /web/logs/$Y/$M/$D/access.log | sort | awk -F\\ '{print $1}' | uniq -c | sort
(Remove the newlines in the pipe if you use this.) This program produces a report like this:
[web@lynx web]$ ~/bin/find_abuse mt-comment 1 1 1 . . . 6 7 7 7 7 8
The first number is the number of connections to mt-comment (specified as an argument) from that IP address. Clearly thre's still some abuse going on, but it's not happening with simultaneous connections which is what was killing me.