IIW2006B Is Next Week

We're getting ready for another excellent IIW next week. There are good people coming and the numbers are working out just right (we've got about 100 people signed up as of today). It's still not too late to sign up. Here's some things that are happening.

We're going to do speed geeking right after lunch on Tuesday. If you've got something to demo, plan on a five minute presentation with rotating groups. There's a place to put your name on the wiki, but you can tell us you want to present as late as Monday.

If you are in the Bay Area and have access to a projector, please bring it. It's nice to have projectors in the break-out rooms for those who want to use them.

Spouses and significant others are welcome to come to dinner on Tuesday night. You need to let Kaliya or I know by Monday. The cost is $30 per person (conference attendees are paid for already).

On Tuesday night Kaliya and Eve Maler will host an "untalent show." The place we're having the dinner has a stage and sound system, so bring musical instruments or iPods with music you wan to share with us (yours or just good music). If you are a visual artist we would love to show your some slides. Bring them on a USB key and give them to Kaliya Monday.

We'll start with the intro session on Monday at 1pm. We'll end Wednesday at 3pm. Please let Kaliya know if you're coming Monday. Here's Monday's schedule:

  • Welcome Kaliya and Phil
  • Landscape Map, Kaliya Hamlin and Mike Ozburn
  • The Identity Gang Lexicon and Laws of Identity, Dick Hardt
  • OSIS - Open Source Identity System, Dale Olds, Johannes Ernst
  • CardSpace/iCards - Kim Cameron or someone else from Microsoft
  • Higgins, Paul Trevithic, Mary Ruddy
  • SAML/federation/Liberty Alliance, Eve Maler
  • URL Based Identity (OpenID which includes, LID, Yadis, I-names/XRI, Sxip) David Recordon, Scott Keveton
  • Identity Commons, Eugene Kim
  • Closing, Doc Searls

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.