CTO Breakfast for November and December

This Thursday will be the CTO breakfast for November and December. We'll hold it at 8am in the usual place (Executive Conference Room of Building L at Canyon Park Technology Center). For more information on location, including maps, please see the CTO Breakfast page.

Things that are on my mind include building reservations systems, reputation, and next week's Internet Identity Workshop. Come prepared to discuss what's on your mind.

Future breakfasts will be held on the following dates:

  • January 25 (Thursday)
  • February 15 (Thursday)
  • March 22 (Thursday)

As far as location for these meetings goes, I'll let you know early in January if we're moving to a new spot or not. There are several possibilities--I'll fill you in on Thursday.

Please leave comments using the Hypothes.is sidebar.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.