Changes Big and Small at IT Conversations

While I was on vacation, there were some big changes at IT Conversations. Listeners who just download the podcasts won't notice much difference, but the Web site has been redone with a new look. Behind the scenes, the software we use to manage the site has also changed--I've spent the last few days getting reoriented.

More significantly, GigaVox Media, IT Conversation's new parent company launched with two new channels in addition to ITC: Open Source Conversations, run by Scott Mace, and Podcast Academy. We announced this move in June--now it's reality.

You won't notice much difference in content at IT Conversations, we're still committed to bringing you high quality tech content from your favorite conferences and podcasts. We've got several new conferences and series coming online in the next little while and I think you'll enjoy them. We've just started releasing shows from Supernova 2006, for example and there's more on the way.

Personal listening queues and recommendations still work the same, as does show rating. You'll probably need to log in again since it's being hosted on a new machine with a new domain, but once you do that you'll find the old familiar interface. Please take the time to login and rate the shows you enjoy so we know what you like.

Thanks for listening...

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.