My review of KnowNow's ESS has appeared in InfoWorld. ESS is an RSS management system. It filters, aggregates, slices, and dices. I was very impressed with it. I think enlightened corporate PR and marketing people will need tools like this to follow what companies are saying about them and to use RSS as a communications tool. From the review:

I found ESS to be an excellent system for managing syndicated feeds. The various pieces work together well, and the browser-based set-up and configuration make it easy to get going. The ability to capture, aggregate, and filter traditional RSS feeds as well as data from back-office systems makes ESS a must-have tool for businesses looking to exploit syndication.
From KnowNow gives RSS a business-savvy shine | InfoWorld
Referenced Tue Jul 11 2006 10:46:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.