May CTO Breakfast Report

We spent a good deal of time talking about offsite backup and things like Jungle Disk. Jungle Disk is a application for Windows, OSX, and Linux that uses Amazon's S3 as the storage substrate.

Bruce brought up Verisign's PIP, an OpenID service. This is particularly cool, I think, because its shows there's some momentum behind user-centric ID when big companies start to jump in. Michael Graves, of Verisign, was at IIW2006 and he talks about PIP on his blog.

We discussed how to build good teams and companies. We were surprised to see that getting it right the first time is such a popular title for books. The one on innovative companies was the one recommended. We also discussed how creativity has more to do with interaction that brilliance. Every person you lose, even the receptionist, takes all their interactions, and the creativity they give rise to, with them.

Pete Kruckenberg pointed out WorldMapper. This is a pretty cool site with maps that show various geographic features through size. of particular interest were the immigration and emigration maps.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.