IIW2006 Kudos for Unconferences

Kim Cameron has some very nice words for IIW2006 and the unconference format on his blog:

Everyone in attendance was awe-struck by the IIW 2006 that just took place in Mountainview. It was incredible.

With Doc Searls and Phil Windely navigating at the macro-level, the amazing Identity Woman Kaliya orchestrated an ”unconference” that was one of the most effective events I’ve ever attended. It’s clear that creating synergy out of chaos is an art that these three have mastered, and participants floated in and out of sessions that self-organized around an ongoing three-day hallway conversation - the hallway actually being the main conference room and event! So we got to engage in all kinds of one-on-one (and few) conversations, meet new people, work out concerns and above all work on convergence. Many people told me they felt history was being made, and I did too.

People showed amazing new demos of identity metasystem software from many different approaches and on many platforms. People, we are achieving orbit.
From Kim Cameron’s Identity Weblog
Referenced Fri May 05 2006 08:07:17 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.