April CTO Breakfast Reminder

Just a reminder that April's CTO breakfast will be held this Friday (Apr 28) at 8am in the usual location (Bldg L, Food Court of Canyon Park Technology Center).

This time we're going to try something new. I'll have a projector there and we'll invite (at the meeting) 2-3 people to give 5 minute demos. So, if you've got something you'd like to show, bring a laptop or a URL. This doesn't have to be something you made. It could simply be something you think is cool and that the entire group would enjoy seeing. On the other hand, if you just created the world's coolest Web 2.0 app, feel free to come show that to us too!

Future CTO Breakfasts will be held on

  • May 19 (Friday)
  • June 23 (Friday) - avoiding 4th of July weekend
  • July 14 (Friday)
  • August 25 (Friday)

Mark your calendar now.

Please leave comments using the Hypothes.is sidebar.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:18 2019.