XML and the Real-Time Web

In an article, worth reading, on the use of Web technologies to manage disaster recovery, David Stephenson discusses how XML increases eGovernment productivity:

Now there's another piece of the pie from the Center for Technology in Government and New York State: a test project in which 5 New York agencies switched from HTML to XML to produce their websites.  As a long-time pimp for XML's widespread use in government as a tool to promote interoperability and data exchange in homeland security, I was ecstatic with the results as reported by Federal Computer Week's Dibbs Sarkar:
  • a lot less time and effort (and costs) needed to manage a site: one agency's web team saved 5 hrs. a week in production time.

  • easier to share information because of standardized data formats (crucial in a crisis if the same information needs, for example, to be shared by a wide range of agencies).

  • improved workflow management from content creation to publication, reduced time, effort and cost and consistency of content throughout multiple pages, delivery formats and devices (including PCs, PDAs and cellphones).

Practicing what they preach, in CTG's own XML implementation, Web site management costs dropped more than 75% and were matched by other productivity benefits.
From W. David Stephenson blogs on homeland security
Referenced Wed Feb 01 2006 13:46:17 GMT-0700 (MST)

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