Free Sheet Music by Sally DeFord

I sing in the choir at church. This morning as we were practicing, I noticed this at the bottom of the music:

Copyright 2005 by Sally DeFord
Making copies for non-commercial use is permitted.
This and other DeFord sheet music may be downloaded free at:

I was curious, so I visited the site when I got home. What I found were dozens of pieces of music, all nicely typeset, some with sample MP3s, free for downloading. Some are original compositions and some are arrangements of familiar hymns. Some are specific to the LDS church, but most would be suitable for all sorts of choirs. The two pieces I've heard so far were excellent.

Sally doesn't solicit or accept donations. Why does she give her music away? In her words:

I guess it's just because I can. The Lord has placed me in circumstances that currently don't demand extra income, he has inspired the creators of technology to produce programs that I can use to publish the music without the assistance of typesetters, and he has given me a gift that I did nothing to earn. Sharing seems logical.
From Sally DeFord Music: FAQ/Contact Information
Referenced Sun Nov 27 2005 12:13:39 GMT-0700 (MST)

People who do good work and make it freely available deserve thanks and recognition. And so, Sally DeFord, this is my thanks to and recognition of your good work.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.