Cogito, a Utah-based company that makes a very unique graph-based data storage and analysis system, is hiring. Here's what they're looking for:

  • UI Developer - C#, .NET experience, enough development experience so as to not require much hand-holding. Lots of hustle – prolific. Must want to be a heads-down developer, not a leadership position.
  • Data Broker Architect - Significant enterprise application development experience with emphasis on back-end DB, integration and meta-data experience. Java enterprise experience. Familiarity with the major enterprise applications and databases. This position will require large scale design and small team leadership abilities.
  • Data Broker Developer - Same as Architect desired, but will settle for less for this position. This position is not a leadership position.
  • Engine Developer (2) - Java development experience. Strong computer science skills. Ability and interest in complex and abstract problems. These positions are not leadership positions.

If you're interested, pop right over to their Web site. Tell them I sent you. :-)

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.