Poster advertising talk (click to enlarge)
I've been asked to speak to the Marriott School of Business' Faculty Brown Bag Lunch on blogging (they came up with an awesome poster) the end of the month. The also said they'd like to hear something about Wikis. So far so good. The problem is how do I tell them about all the things they don't know they need to know. Like:
- RSS and feed readers
- Feedster, Technorati, etc.
- Tagging
And a million other things. There's this whole culture around blogging that includes lots of different ideas. The asked about how to start a blog, but they really want to know "why?" and "what's it good for?" and "how do you make it successful?" and "will it help or hurt with my research?" in 30-45 minutes, I can't cover it all, so I'll have to find a way to answer the important questions and give them a push in the right direction. Leave a comment if you've got ideas about what has to be in this talk.