Marc Cantor's "digital lifestyle aggregator," GoingOn is featured in this article at Wired:

GoingOn, announced last week and slated for release in the fall, is the brainchild of Macromedia founder Marc Canter and Tony Perkins, the founder of business media site AlwaysOn.

Calling it a "digital lifestyle aggregator," Canter promises that individuals will need just one login and password to check news feeds, publish blog posts, manage social networks and swap photos or music online -- all while being able to access the same services they currently use.

GoingOn will also have its own social-networking component built in, but Canter is adamant that he's not trying to get other products to run on his platform. Instead, his goal is interoperability; in his words, "We will become an identity hub."
From Wired News: One Login to Bind Them All
Referenced Mon Aug 01 2005 13:24:13 GMT-0700 (PDT)

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