Damian Conway is giving a tutorial on Best Practices in Object Oriented Perl based on his new book: Perl Best Practices. What is a "best practice?"
- Same as the rest of Perl
Seek code that
- minimizes chances of "enbugging"
- makes it easy to detect failed edge cases
- scales to larger datasets
- Robust (create techniques that extend and incorporates new functionality)
- Efficient (play to Perl's strengths and avoids its weakness while minimizing resource usage)
- Maintainable (optimize for comprehension)
Make OO a choice, not a default - Choose OO when
- When the system to be built will be large
- Data can be aggregated into obvious structures and there's lots of data in each aggregate
- The various types of data form a natural hierarchy that facilitates inheritance and polymorphism
- The implementation of high-level operations on data varies according to data type (polymorphism is a big benefit here)
- Its likely you'll have to add new data types later
- Interaction between data are best represented by operators
- You have a piece of data on which many different operations are applied
- And, those operations have standard names, regardless of the type of data they're applied to
- Implementation of individual components is likely to change, especially in the same program
- The system design is already object-oriented
- Large numbers of clients will use your code