Hollywood Sock Puppets

The Register picked up the Beating Hatch with an article called Hollywood sock-puppet senator faces tech insurgency.

In an e-mail conversation with The Register, Windley added: "This is an interesting race, because Hatch has a national profile as an anti-technologist and the Internet gives people outside of a state [the ability] to have considerable influence on elections within the state, even though they can't vote, through donations to the candidates who can defeat Hatch."

And what a track record Hatch, a 28-year Senate veteran, has. Although he was for a time disillusioned by the inequities of the recording industry (See - Senator Hatch's Napster Epiphany), to the extent that he threatened the major labels with a compulsory license, he has since returned to the fold.

Last year, the one-time keen supporter of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), proposed to the so-called Induce Act, which makes the "intentional inducement of copyright infringement" and offense.
From Hollywood sock-puppet senator faces tech insurgency | The Register
Referenced Thu Jul 28 2005 15:54:06 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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