What AJAX Doesn't Do

Rohit Khare has an analysis at InfoWorld about the problem AJAX doesn't solve: pushing data from the server to the client. AJAX is strictly one-way, pulling data with XMLHttpRequest. Rohit ought to know--he founded KnowNow, a company that makes its living enabling server push to the thin-client. I reviewed LiveServer a few months ago. Says Rohit:

The rapid spread of the term AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) -- from Weblog to Wall Street Journal within weeks! -- might lead developers to assume it's a breakthrough that heralds the death of desktop applications. There's certainly a kernel of truth in that: The recent spate of new Web applications under the AJAX banner have redefined end-users' expectation of what's even possible within a Web browser by offering smooth scrolling, incremental updates, and more responsive input forms.
The clear benefits of migrating desktop applications to the Web in terms of maintenance, security, and scalability must be weighed against the costs of slower response times, limited interactivity, and less-than-beautiful graphical interfaces. With AJAX, push technology, and the ubiquitous plug-ins for PDF and Flash, the Web is closer than ever to becoming a viable default platform for application development.
From What's next after AJAX? | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2005-05-23 | By Rohit Khare
Referenced Tue May 31 2005 08:35:14 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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