Your Company's Leaking Knowledge

My April column for Connect Magazine is online now. Its entitled Your Company's Leaking Knowledge. You might think its about security, but actually its about the brain drain that happens when key employees leave and the role of the CTO in combating it. The basic idea is creating company nomenclatures.

If this sounds like marketing to you, then give yourself a prize for being one of the few that recognizes marketing for being more than PR and creating slick brochures. Who's job is it? At iMall, the product marketing team reported to me and I think that worked out beautifully. Product definition is the prime job of the CTO. CTOs who just manage the developers should be called what they are: the VP of Engineering. Real CTOs manage the product and ought to be as good at product marketing as they are at engineering.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.