Legislative Podcasting

A story in today's Salt Lake Tribune highlights some of the Utah Legislatures eGovernment initiatives. The Legislature's site does a good job of letting you find bills, see amendments, find out who voted for what, and so on. The have a bill tracker system that will email you changes to the status of a bill. I'm not sure why they haven't yet added RSS feeds for that as well. They do have an RSS feed for legislative news items which is helpful. Apparently they're giving some thought to legislative podcasting as well:

The Legislature already has ventured into cyberspace to allow Internet users to listen to or watch its floor debates in real time and the Web site hosts a library of information, including rosters of past lawmakers, years of legislation and a citizen's guide to lawmaking. And there may be more soon. Allred, at the request of lawmakers, is researching whether the Legislature will put the live audio of committee hearings online and also include clips of those meetings with each bill.
From Salt Lake Tribune - Utah
Referenced Tue Apr 12 2005 08:12:39 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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