Leavitt on Interoperability Governance

Mike Leavitt, Secretary of HHS, gave a speech today at AFCEA International's homeland security conference in Washington, D.C. He listed some key points that deal with interoperability governance:

"Any enterprise that is trying to plot its way right now in the Interoperability Age has a finite amount of time, capital and opportunities," he said. Leavitt listed several elements that he believes will improve the chances of success for any project:
  1. A "common pain" or common problem that provides a compelling reason for stakeholders to come together and find a solution.
  2. A "convener of stature," meaning that a well-respected person or group would bring varied interests to the table.
  3. A committed leader to be an honest broker and to keep things on track
  4. Openness, transparency and voluntary participation.
  5. A critical mass of stakeholders.
  6. Representatives of substance, who have sufficient authority and decision-making ability.
  7. A clearly defined purpose and goal.
  8. A formally written charter that outlines governance structure, outcomes, funding contributions and is signed by the highest levels of the participating agencies.
From Leavitt sees interoperability
Referenced Tue Feb 22 2005 20:21:42 GMT-0700

This is a song that Leavitt's been singing for a long time. It's not often you hear a Cabinet Secretary speaking about interoperability. Leavitt knows this stuff and really believes it.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:19 2019.