I just got off the phone with Blake Harris who's writing a story on blogging in the public sector for Public CIO. We had a great chat about the uses of blogs in state and local government. I pointed him at the blogs of the Chief of Police and City Manager for Eden Prairie, MN. These guys are still at it and their blogs appear as great as they did when I first saw them. Makes you want to visit.

Just before that I was the guest on this week's edition of The Gillmor Gang. We talked about federating digital identities. There are some interesting models developing and we're seeing some real competition in business models for networked identity with Identity Commons, Sxip, Shibboleth, and Ping ID. You'll notice that I don't place Liberty Alliance of WS-Federation in that list. That's because I don't see them as business models, but more as technology platforms.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:21 2019.