VoIP in the Contact Center

Always On has a piece about VoIP's potential in the contact center:

But what's been less discussed and understood is that the small office/home office market holds only a small slice of VoIP's potential. The much more exciting and compelling opportunities reside in midsize to larger businesses÷and specifically in their contact centers (a contact center is essentially a call center that also handles other communications channels÷most notably e-mail and Web chat). In this market, VoIP isn't simply about cheap, flat-rate telephony. It instead offers companies the potential to completely reinvent how they do business.
From VoIP in the Call Center :: AO
Referenced Tue Apr 06 2004 08:27:17 GMT-0600

The "reinvent" part is what is interesting. I'm on the Board of Directors at Sento, which is in the outsourced contact center space. We're using VoIP extensively to cut costs and increase flexibility, but the reinvent word captures my attention. The key is the VoIP allows you to put communications on the net and integrate it in ways that just can't be done with traditional phone switches and all the various boxes that hang off them. I don't think its any accident that Siebel has integrated VoIP solutions into its Siebel on Demand product.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.