Investing in Underserved Markets

If you are going to launch a new venture outside the technology hotbeds of Silicon Valley or Boston, you have to be an overacheiver...or at least, believe you are capable of beating the odds. What do you have against you? Well, all the things that the Valley has in its favor in multiples: a large and extremely educated and experienced workforce, a deep capital base, experienced service providers (attorneys, accountants, bankers, PR firms, and so on), a history of innovation and success (local heroes like Cisco, Sun, Seibel, Oracle, Google, Yahoo, and others), and the passion to create.
From Investing in Underserved Markets :: AO
Referenced Tue Mar 23 2004 09:15:33 GMT-0700

So starts an article at AlwaysOn by Nick Efstratis of the Wasatch Venture Fund on why Wasatch believes in investing outside SV and Boston.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.