Open Source eVoting

Scott Ritchie, a California college student has proposed bringing open source eVoting software from Austrailia and modifying it to meet the demands of the California Secretary of State.

Ritchie, a 19-year-old political science and math student at the University of California at Davis, told the panel that he was launching the nonprofit Open Vote Foundation, which plans to modify the Australian code to meet California election standards and offer it free to any voting vendors that want to implement it in their systems.
From Wired News: Open-Source E-Voting Heads West
Referenced Wed Jan 21 2004 14:59:22 GMT-0700

California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley has mandated that a voter-verified paper audit trail, or VVPAT, must be included with all e-voting machines by July 2006. Ritchie proposes making modifications to the Australian software to meet these demands.

I'm not familiar with the feature set of the Australian software, but one of the things most people don't realize about voting software is that its not just about voting machines. Ballot preparation is a much bigger job for election offices than most people would expect and the system that prepares the ballot has to be able to provision the voting machines in a reliable, trustworthy, and efficient manner.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:21 2019.