Bluetooth as Magic

Chad Dickerson has a great story in InfoWorld about using his laptop and Bluetooth connected phone to rescue a damsel in distress.

Everything was in place for my finest CTO moment ever. In my most authoritative and reassuring voice, I said, "Don't worry, ma'am, we'll get to that e-mail."
From InfoWorld: Bluetooth to the rescue: January 09, 2004: By Chad Dickerson
Referenced Wed Jan 14 2004 08:22:09 GMT-0700

The article concludes with a passenger next to the woman being totally amazed that she was online onboard:

The military guy turned around to everyone around him and announced, "Hey everybody, this woman over here is on the Internet and I don't see NO WIRES!" He waved his hands around an imaginary computer, like a magician performing levitation. His gestures were met by nods of amazement all around. At that moment, it seemed as if everyone in the plane was leaning in to see the magic.
From InfoWorld: Bluetooth to the rescue: January 09, 2004: By Chad Dickerson
Referenced Wed Jan 14 2004 08:24:42 GMT-0700

This is the same reaction I get when people find out I'm connected to the Internet using the phone in my pocket. At some point, it will be no longer noteworthy, but I'll still find it amazingly cool.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:21 2019.