I'm headed home from CDXPO. I think Jupiter Media had high hopes for this conference. As is usual with a Jupiter Media event, the venue, support, and speakers were first rate. I enjoyed every presentation I went to and learned many new things. One of the best parts of the conference was one track of nothing but Jupiter Research analysts presenting results of their research in various areas. This alone was well worth the price of admission.

I hate Las Vegas, but it was nice to be here with many other conferences going on. Monday, I was able to have dinner with Doug Kaye, Doc Searls, Chris Pirillo, and also meet some new friends. Unfortunately, CDXPO was not well attended and I found myself lonely at times---not what one expects at a conference. I think CDXPO has a future given the quality of the content, but it will take some work to build the audience. I'll be interested to see what Jupiter decides to do with it.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.