Utah Ranks 7th in Digital State Survey

The Center for Digital Government released their annual rankings of the states today.  Utah ranked 7th, the same place we were least year.  At first glance, that may seem like we're not making progress, but CDG raises the bar every year, so to "stay the same" you have to make significant improvements.  Of the 6 states ahead of us, only 3 were ahead of us last year as well: Washington, Illinois, and Arizona.  There's only a handful of state that are consistently in the top ten every year and Utah is one of them.  This sort of consistency doesn't happen because of one person's push or a few interesting programs, it is the result of many dedicated people working over time to continually improve every facet of government.  Congratulations and thank-you to everyone who worked hard to make our eGovernment program one of the best in the Nation. 

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.