Road to the Future?

Last month, the IT Commission asked me to prepare a vision document and present it this month.  What I came up with is something I entitled "Road to the Future" after a diagram that I built the paper around.  The diagram came from the Dept. of Community and Family Services in Australia.  I liked it because I thought it was indicative of many of the issues that we face as a state. 

I had originally planned on gathering input from the ACIOs for the document, but it turned out that there wasn't time.  A month is just not much time to put something like that together.  The good news, depending on how you look at it, I guess, is that there's still plenty of opportunity to participate.  The IT Commission accepted the vision document and asked that an enterprise architecture document be presented  in April (the next time the ITC meets).  That gives us 5 months to work on the enterprise architecture, something we've already decided to do, and have it ready for the ITC to look at.  All aboard!  

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.